Daniel Martinez
Youth Pastors

Neftali Zazueta
Senior Pastors
Neftali and Veronica Zazueta are the pastors of Grace Harvest Church. Originally from Mexico, they have been married for 28 years and have three children -- Andres, 21; Sofia, 17; and David 14. Pastor Neftali is a graduate from California State University Long Beach where he studied Civil engineering and Business Administration. He also holds an M.Div from Talbot School of Theology Seminary at Biola University. Veronica is a graduate from Biola University where she studied Business Administration with a specialty in Organizational Leadership.
Andres is currently a Civil and Structural Engineering senior at the University of Southern California (USC), and is concurrently working on his Masters degree on Structural Design, also at USC. Andres is also a jazz pianist/composer and Grace Harvest's musical director and pianist. Sofia is a Junior at Orange Lutheran High School and varsity volleyball player. She has competed in two Junior Olympics with her club team. Sofia plans to study medicine. David is currently in 8th grade and is in team swimming. David studies and plays drums.
Andres YouTube Channel Sofia's YouTube Channel David's YouTube Channel